ATDF National Shutdown
The Durban North CPF is aware of messages circulating, as well as documents from various companies regarding the ATDF National Shutdown from 20 May 2024.
We would like to assure our residents that the SAPS and Metro Police, including public order policing units, CPF and CIB members, and our security partners are all on alert and will be monitoring key points across our areas for any disruptions.
As always, we ask that residents remain aware and alert, and if you notice anything out of the ordinary, such as unusual large gatherings, etc, please call either SAPS on 10111, Metro Police on 031 361 0000, the DNCPF Control Room on 063 643 7803, or your local security provider.
Please do not post on social media or WhatsApp groups as this could delay a response.
We ask that you rely on information either from your Ward Councillors, the DNCPF or other official structures, and refrain from sharing unverified voice notes and messages. If you have first hand information to share, include a date and time when sharing.