Civil Unrest

Mar 15 2023

National Shutdown – 20 March 2023

15 March 2023

The DNU CPF would like to assure the public that it is in regular contact across multiple levels and divisions in law enforcement, as well as with local business entities, and will advise the public as soon as possible if we are made aware of any developments that would threaten the general public.

At this stage, it is still too early to identify or anticipate if or how this will affect ours, or the surrounding areas. Being an unofficial long weekend, we are aware that a majority of businesses may be closed, regardless of the shutdown, and residents may be away.

Nonetheless, all key role-players have contingency plans, and the relevant teams have been placed on high-alert in order to respond swiftly and effectively, should the need arise.

Further to this, the North Durban Operational Control Centre (NDOCC) will be going live from today. This is joint operation between the Durban North & Umhlanga CPF, Greenwood Park CPF, the SAPS, Metro Police, the Greater Together Foundation PBO/NPO and local Private Security companies, which has been worked on tirelessly over the past few months.

We understand some residents may feel the need to stock up on necessities, in which case we urge you to do so in a responsible and calm manner.

We request that residents do not share or take notice of unverified messages and voice notes but rather rely on their relevant CPF structures and/or other verified sources of information.


Darryl Oliver
DNU CPF Public Relations –

Mar 10 2023

Fake Messages Regarding National Shutdown on 20 March 2023

10 March 2023

The DNU CPF is aware of a WhatsApp message circulating that details action points in response to a SAPS strike on 17 March 2023 and the National Shutdown on 20 March 2023.

We can confirm that the message is not written by a SAPS member, and it’s contents do nothing more than to sew unfounded fear in the general public. With regards to the SAPS strike: SAPS members who are on duty are not permitted to strike, and only those off-duty may attend a strike or picket line, but are expected to return for their shift or be subject to disciplinary action.

We would like to assure the public that the DNU CPF are in regular contact across multiple levels and divisions in law enforcement, and will advise the public as soon as possible if we are made aware of any developments that would threaten the general public.

We request that residents do not share or take notice of unverified messages and voice notes but rather rely on their relevant CPF structures and/or other verified sources of information.


Darryl Oliver
DNU CPF Public Relations –

Mar 05 2023

Marches and National Shutdown – 6 March 2023

5 March 2023

The DNU CPF is aware of the messages circulating regarding marches and mentions of a National Shutdown for tomorrow, 6 March 2023.

There are two marches planned for the CBD that have been approved, and law enforcement will be present for the approved marches.

There is some anticipation of major arterial routes in and out of the city being disrupted, so please plan accordingly and monitor your local security and traffic groups for updates.

As a precaution, all key role-players have been placed on a heightened alert status, and have contingency plans in place in order to respond swiftly and effectively, should the need arise.

We request that residents do not share or take notice of unverified messages and voice notes but rather rely on their relevant CPF structures and/or other verified sources of information.

Further updates will be shared as they become known.


Darryl Oliver
DNU CPF Public Relations –

Jan 16 2023

Threat of Unrest YouTube Video

16 January 2023

The DNU CPF is aware of a YouTube video circulating with a core theme of the video advising residents in KZN to prepare for further unrest in the coming weeks.

As it stands, intelligence structures have no credible intel to back these claims.

The claims are not unlike the several other “threats” that have circulated since after the July 2021 riots, none of which ever bore any truth or actions of further riots.

We still encourage residents, however, to be vigilant as always, as our day-to-day crime is still present.

We strongly request that residents do not share or take notice of unverified messages and voice notes but rather rely on their relevant CPF structures and/or other verified sources of information.


Darryl Oliver
DNU CPF Public Relations –

Nov 08 2022

National Shutdown – 10 November 2022

8 November 2022

The DNU CPF is aware of the announcements by The Public Servants Association of their intentions for a National Shutdown, claiming that they want South Africa to be closed for business on Thursday 10 November 2022.

Whilst it is still too early to identify if or how this will affect our areas, we do not anticipate any incidents.

However, as a precaution, all key role-players have contingency plans in place, and are on a heightened alert status to respond swiftly and effectively should the need arise.

We urge residents to not engage in panic buying of fuel or other necessities.

We also request that residents do not share or take notice of unverified messages and voice notes but rather rely on their relevant CPF structures and/or other verified sources of information.

Further updates will be shared as they become known.


Darryl Oliver
DNU CPF Public Relations –

Nov 02 2022

False News – Pharmed Vans

2 November 2022

The DNU-CPF has noted, with concern, the resurgence of an old WhatsApp message from July 2021 regarding stolen Pharmed vehicles.

The message that starts with:

“Please be advised that 10 Pharmed vehicles have been stolen from riverhorse and they are trying to gain access into estates and complexes pretending to be delivering medication.”refers to an incident from the July Riots in 2021, and is in no way to be taken in it’s current form.

We strongly urge residents to refrain from sharing this message, and relay back to whomever sent this to one, that it is false and should not be shared.

Group admins are urged to utilise the “Delete for everyone” function to ensure the message is removed from your groups.


Darryl Oliver
DNU CPF Public Relations –

Oct 11 2022

Major Power Outage – 11 October 2022

11 October 2022

The DNU CPF is aware of a widespread power outage across Durban and surrounds.

The eThekwini Municipality has released a statement regarding the explosion at the 275kv Klaarwater major substation, which has caused a widespread power outage to about 50% of areas in Durban Areas in the Northern, Western and Southern regions of the city are still without power.

Technicians are currently investigating. At this stage the cause is unknown, but we request that residents refrain from sharing the WhatsApp messages insinuating that this was the result of an act of sabotage


Darryl Oliver
DNU CPF Public Relations –

Sep 19 2022

SAWS Issues Level 2 Warning

19 September 2022

Inclement weather conditions can be expected across large parts of the province, starting from this afternoon into the evening. This has led the SAWS to issue a Level 2 warning.

COGTA has urged all residents to heed this warning and continue to be vigilant and to exercise all the necessary precautions, especially in cases where driving conditions may prove difficult.

Disaster Management teams in KZN have been placed on high alert and will be monitoring several areas that have been identified as being at high risk, eThekwini Metro being listed as one of the areas.

CPF and NHW members will also be placed on high-alert, and we ask residents to report any incidents to their relevant CPF or NHW heads.


Darryl Oliver
DNU CPF Public Relations –

Aug 23 2022

National Shutdown – 24 August 2022

23 August 2022

The DNU CPF is aware of multiple Unions and other bodies who have given their support to the National Shutdown on Wednesday 24 August 2022.

We do not anticipate any incidents, however, as a precaution, all key role-players have contingency plans in place, and are on a heightened alert status to respond swiftly and effectively should the need arise.

We recommend that you avoid travelling in and around the proposed marching routes where possible, such as the CBD, major arterial roads and dense business areas.

We urge residents to not engage in panic buying of fuel or other necessities.

We also request that residents do not share or take notice of unverified messages and voice notes but rather rely on their relevant CPF structures and/or other verified sources of information.


Darryl Oliver
DNU CPF Public Relations –

Jul 14 2022

Threat of Unrest – 14 July 2022

14 July 2022

The DNU CPF is working together with SAPS and relevant intelligence structures, to confirm and verify the messages and voice notes that are circulating regarding the potential bouts of unrest over the next few days.

Currently, there is no solid confirmation from intelligence structures that these are legitimate threats.

Nonetheless, all key role-players have contingency plans in place, and are on a heightened alert status to respond swiftly and effectively should the need arise.

We request residents to not share these unverified messages and voice notes,


Darryl Oliver
DNU CPF Public Relations –

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