Durban North: 079 696 3615
Umhlanga: 031 566 8500
SAPS Emergency / Flying Squad: 10111
Please don’t call the stations for emergencies, use 10111
Durban North: 079 696 3615
Umhlanga: 031 566 8500
SAPS Emergency / Flying Squad: 10111
Please don’t call the stations for emergencies, use 10111
For noise, traffic complaints, by-law issues.
Please make sure that you always get a reference number!
General Emergency: 112 (free from all cellphones)
Fire/Disaster: 031 361 0000
Poison Helpline: 0861 555 777
NSRI (Sea Rescue): 087 094 9774
NSRI Durban & Umhlanga: 082 990 5948
KZN VIP Medical: 031 502 3456
Netcare911: 082 911
ALS Paramedics: 082 926 8489
ER24: 084 124
Government (KZN Health): 10177
Childline: 116
LifeLine: 0861 322 322
Suicide Crisis Helpline: 0800 567 567
Substance Abuse Helpine: 0800 12 13 14
Domestic Violence Helpline: 0800 150 150
North Durban Victim Support: 066 483 8589
Marshall Security: 086 162 7732
Blue Security: 031 717 5000
Ensure Security: 08611 367 873
Mzansi SecuriFire: 031 203 5200
Water (Phone): 080 131 3013 / 080 311 1111
Water (WhatsApp): 073 148 3477
Electricity Faults (Phone): 080 311 1111
Electricity Faults (WhatsApp): 076 791 2449
Engineering (Roads): 080 131 3013
DSW (Dead Animal Removals): 031 311 8809
Parks (Trees, etc): 031 566 3712
Illegal Dumping: 031 311 8804
Please make sure that you always get a reference number!
For instant reporting, use the Official eThekwini App
Android – Download
Apple (iOS) – Download
C.R.O.W.: 031 462 1127 / 083 212 5281
Monkey Helpline: 082 659 4711 / 082 411 5444
Kitten Action: 031 764 3845 or 082 754 6809
PACT: 073 005 4275
SPCA Durban: 031 579 6500
After Hours Emergencies: 083 212 6103
Jason Arnold (Snakes): 082 745 6375
Nick Evans (Snakes): 072 809 5806
The Bat Interest Group of KZN: 082 445 0585
Glenashley • Izinga • La Lucia • Prestondale • Somerset Park • Umhlanga • Umhlanga Ridge • Virginia (North)
084 971 4847
Athlone • Beachway • Beachwood • Briardene (East) • Durban North • Parkill • Prospect Hall • Riverside • Rosehill • Umgeni • Virginia (South)
062 432 0643
Sunningdale • Glenhills • Glen Anil • Mount Moriah • Mount Royal • Southgate & Rainham
084 992 6137
Sibaya • Umdloti • La Mercy • Seatides • Desainagar • Westbrook • Parts of Tongaat
083 695 9190
E&OE • These numbers are provided in good faith as a public service, please contact us if there are errors.