WhatsApp Group Rules

The WhatsApp groups iare run by the Durban North CPF as a free service to all residents in the area the group serves.

In order to maintain and run the groups effectively, we ask that you make yourselves aware of these rules. By being a member of the group(s), you automatically acknowledge and accept the rules. These rules are subject to change at any time.

  1. These groups are area specific, and as such only residents from those areas will be added to the group. Group admins will request your name and address purely to ensure you reside in the area or allocate you to the correct group.
  2. This is not a chat group. There are members of law enforcement, private security, medical response and CPF on here who monitor this group to act and respond accordingly. We ask that chats be taken off the group out of respect to those monitoring.
  3. Not withstanding #2, this is not to be considered an emergency group. In the event of an emergency, call 10111, 112 or your security provider.
  4. Please keep messages/posts in this group specific to the area, as well as crime and awareness. Please avoid messages regarding traffic, lost animals, etc.
  5. All info circulated on this group is to remain on this group. We have seen on other groups that this is not the case and information has leaked out to social media. The content that will be shared is to assist in the fight against crime. Members are urged to keep info posted on this group strictly to this group. Permission must be sought directly from the original poster/admin for any info wishing to be shared outside of the group.
  6. Municipal incidents such as power, water, roads, etc must be reported to the relevant authorities.
  7. No naming or shaming of SAPS, Metro and any other Law Enforcement agencies, including Private Security, Tracking Companies etc.
  8. At all times members are expected to be respectful and courteous.
  9. No foul language, intolerant comments, racism, sexism, etc.
  10. No good morning, inspirational, etc. posts.
  11. The admin reserves the right to lock the group, remove posts and/or members should they be found to disregarding the rules.
  12. Pictures of suspects, live crime or accident scenes are not permitted.
  13. Messages marked as *forwarded many times* should be verified with the admins before posting.
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