As the CPF is purely a volunteer-based organization, any items needed have either been purchased by members themselves, or donated to us by other residents or businesses.
We always welcome donations of equipment or sponsorship towards equipment from individuals and businesses.
This equipment is what is often required in day-to-day operations and patrols, as well as where our Community In Blue members go an assist at accident scenes, road blocks, or conduct operations as force multipliers with SAPS and Metro.
- Branded Reflective Vests
- Torches
- Rain Suits
- Boots
- Bulletproof Vests (limited for members who attend operations with SAPS)
- Pepper Spray
- Medic Kits and supplies such as gloves, bandages, space blankets, etc
- Chevron Tape
- Spades, Axes, Saws, Bolt Cutters, etc for Disaster Management Assistance.
If you would like to donate any equipment, or would like more information on how you can contribute in other ways, please fill in the form below, or you can donate directly into our account. Please send your proof of payment to