Youth Crime Prevention Desk

The Youth Desk is a sub-forum established by the Community Police Forum.

The vision of the Youth Desk is youth mobilisation towards a safe and peaceful Province of KwaZulu-Natal.

We aim to establish and maintain a partnership between the youth and the Police Service and advocate for youth safety needs. We also endeavour to undertake activities and programs that provide for the holistic needs of young people and as well as youth crime prevention and safety projects and programs. We also seek to improve the rendering of police services, transparency and accountability to the community and promote joint problem identification and problem-solving by the Police Service and the community. We also promote productive working relationships between SAPS and young people that are characterized by trust.

Who We Are
The Durban North Youth Desk is based within the Durban North police station and fulfils its function under the Durban North Community Policing Forum.

Our members work closely with the Social Crime Prevention members at the Durban North Police Station co-ordinating youth safety projects and activities.

We are looking for young people who are passionate about addressing social issues such as bullying, drug abuse, trafficking, mental health etc. and preventing crime in our communities.

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